Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Training a lazy horse !?

The reason your horse is ethusiastic on trails is because he has a purpose to go somewhere. On trails there is new scenery new stuff to come across everything is different. Most people think that their horses are lazy but its not that they are lazy, but more that they are unmotivated. To get these horses to want to do more things you have to get to his mind instead of pushing him physically. You can use whips and spurs but it is only a matter of time before they think of new ways to out smart you. Instead of pushing him to do more, ask him to do less this will blow his mind and he will then offer to do more! Think of it this way, while in the arena working, he is thinking "whats in it for me?'' You want to stop while it feels good and then start again. So if you ask for a canter and lets say usually his 4th stride he breaks gait,so ask for 1 or 2 strides then stop. Stop him before he thinks of it cause pretty soon he will be in harmony with you. You have to make it a game and most of all be interesting and provocative! If he gives you a good canter stop and rub him, maybe give him a cookie(not a bribe but more of a bonus) for incentive. There has to be something in it for him for him to put effort into doing it. The most important thing is to not get frustrated cause he will know that and he will know he is winning and do it more.

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