Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What if what you say before it happens, happens?

i was in my bunk on a cruise ship in hawaii. While reading my bible i heard the voice of the Lord in my head, not audible like in the butcher shop a few months later. he started to tell me to write to my grandmother in Wales, i had only signed cards previously, my mother would buy them and I sign, occasional call, hello, how are you. The lord wanted me to tell my grandmother that she only had six months to live and that he would be waiting for her on the other side and not to fear. I did and sent $100, telling her to buy a a nice dress. My cousin Mark got married and she wore her new dress. My aunt asked her where the money came from and my grandmother kept quiet and did not explain. I had written an 11 page letter explaining salvation from Adam to Jesus and assumed she did not know Jesus in my judgemental zeal. She was angry and insulted. I called my mother every month and asked if she had heard from her mother and explained what i had done, she was pissed. I said if you have an issue with this then you need to take it up with God because he told me to write it, i was not the slighted bit apologetic. My mother informed me several months later that her mother was in the hospital with cancer. She died in the sixth month. My auntie came over to the U.S. 10 years later. She had a pendant with the Lords prayer engraved on her neck and I commented on it. She said her mother had one just like it but she had lost it the day of the funeral. The night before she was leaving while looking for a pen in her purse, she found it and gave it to me, not her daughter of son or grandchild but to me. It was confirmation to me. About the angels voice I heard. I had been walking down the beach in Maui and I asked God for $30,000 for bible school. A week later while in the butcher shop, I was cutting frozen veal shanks, the saw was not working properly. I had to catch the slice meat on the other side of the blade, the guide thing was broken and wouldn't stay in place. I worked with confidence and care. I suddenly heard a voice behind me. It said "you are about to cut your hand on the band saw. I turned around and saw nothing but say oddly out loud, "I don't think Jesus would let that happen to me" and went back to work, my hand got cut, had two surgeries and was awarded $29, 897 or something in that neighbourhood it was 1985. I went to Moody Bible Institute in 1988. I didn' finish and glad too. i see the infiltration of the enemy in all these institutions now. So many shills about deceiving the flock. Ecumenism's is destroying the remnant church. I haven't attended a church regularly since 1989. Something is very wrong. The Bible talks of God sending a strong delusion upon the earth. This new age, new world order thing is exactly that. "we are gods" is pure evil. So my point is to those who refuse to believe in the supernatural, you go to the crazy house, you can see that creatures have no plug. We have an internal energy generator and can see and perceive and speak. That alone speaks of the supernatural. How could this be? Its so amazing. The Bible speaks of Gods glory being plainly visible by all that is made and man is without excuse. Those who have been educated, i mean indoctrinated. Have been lied to about history and assumed the theories put forth by those prior are factual. A theory by definition cannot be proven or it would not be classified as a theory, helloooo. Know there is a God and that he wants to adopt you into His family through His son Jesus Christ. Ask Him today. So waht if what I say happens, what does that mean?

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