Saturday, July 23, 2011

What will the US presence in Afghanistan be after 2014?

Allegedly all combat troops will be removed from Afghanistan by 2014....but this does not mean their won't be trainers, CIA and special forces, special contractors, and places to test new weapons....maybe experimental educators and builders etc. What do you think the presence will consist of?

UGH I SUCK at riding???me venting.........?

You own a horse, and ride 3-4+ times a week?!! That all wouldn't happen if you weren't an a mazing rider, with loads of motivation! Dont be so hard on yourself! So what if you cant get one little move! You'll get it soon with all the motivation you have! Dont give up!! you worked very hard for all this! Dont just let it fall!

Unknown spanish song?

i went to cuba and i heard this song its really good but spanish and i have no idea what its called ( and no its not danco kudaro don omar.oy oy oy song) it goes like la so mi ra sinnoooooooooooooiir or something but could somone please help!!!

Police officer Question?

My boyfriend graduates the police academy in a couple of days and I am getting him a St. Michael necklace. I need some help on what to say on the back of the pendant so any help would be amazing!!!

Why can't any other country except China and Japan make electric cars and trains for transportation?

Europe has electric trains. America is just too big for the concept to work effectively. Amtrak does have one route that is high speed electric which connects the cities of Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston.

I wrote a screenplay/sketch because I was it good/funny?

Im American and I got it. its still not funny, its just kind of witty. realistically, would a guy ever say that to his wife, even if he was drunk?

Pokemon Heartgold question?

well no its not cheating on your pokewalker your training your pokemon up plus it wont effect your Pokemon's stats ever well you should just have a certain time not to use your pokewalker so much

I need to two articles about Mahatma Ghandi from the 70's, 80's 90's, or earlier if it can be found?

The reason I don't want any current articles on him is because they all seem to say he was eaither gay, a racist, or in hell. I would like articles about him that are actually POSSITIVE. (It's for a biography project) I swear, what is wrong with people? its as if it's cool now to slander GOOD people. What's next; was Mother Teresa a secret Nazi? oy vey.....

How to train aggressive dog?

my 3 yr old dog came from a pound and hes aggressive towards my 3 month old puppy to a point where he has ripped a patch of fur... he attacks when she gets close to food and toys that is by him, but also growls when she walks by him without touching him. im trying to find out ways to train him before taking him to a trainer...any suggestions??? he has never been aggressive towards me

Do tampons make u bleed less?

When I dont use tampons, I bleed for the full 5 days & they are really heavy! When I use tampons, I only bleed for 2 - 3 days & the tampon doesn't even go completely red (as in it's not filled to capacity). How can this be? Is it some kind of gravity effect, like when u have a tin full of water but oy a small hole & so it doesn't come out at all unless u put another hole in so air can replace the water that's coming out? It's really weird! Or is it because the muscles are loose when I'm not wearing a tampon that they allow the blood to flow freely? I do have problems with my period, like I get them irregularly, sometimes only once a year! I have POS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), but there's nothing they can do about that. :(

What is this called? (Pendant)?

Yes,it is a type of pendant.A pendant (from Old French) is a loose-hanging piece of jewellery, generally attached by a small loop to a necklace, when the ensemble may be known as a "pendant necklace". A pendant earring is an earring with a piece hanging down. In modern French "pendant" is the gerund form of “hanging” (also meaning “during”). Pendants can have several functions, which may be combined:

Help with Eevee deck and make it tourney legal as of 2011?

EX cards are forbidden in tournaments as they are from an older set. Even some of your trainer and energy cards might be quite old and forbidden. Go to as it shows you which cards are legal. So for example, your RR Jolteon can be used in tournaments because it's newer (made more recently). Your Flareon EX can't be used because EX cards are quite old (made some time ago). Basically, the newer the card, the longer it will be able to be used in tournaments. That link I gave you showed an explanation on what you were exactly confused about on the older sets. That is Pokemons version of a ban list. Usually not how good a card is, but how old it is. Hope this helped!

How do I get a job on the backstretch?

I'm trying to become a racehorse trainer, I know how to do all that but I know you have to go to the racetrack and work under a trainer as a hot walker or groom or exercise rider or something but how do you get one of those jobs?

What causes the feeling of passing out?

That happened to me to! My hearing went funny and stuff the best thing to do is drink more water.. It happened to me when I wasn't drinking enough water and I was working out hard

Microsoft Outlook question?

you can know the user of the ip address through here at and you can find the ip address.

Can u please rate and comment and rate my yugioh e hero deck?

For an e-hero deck... i'd say a 6/10. I have a friend who's running e-heros like it's his job and since we're close, I know most of his strategy for his deck. with that said, I see a lot of potential wasted. For example, where's stratos? also, speed warrior doesn't really fit in. Your deck would also improve with a marunding captain lock. Why 3 mariners? I've never played a solid e-hero deck (don't take offense with this) with one in there. Absolute zero, shining PE, and a bunch more are much more solid choices for that 15 card limit. captain gold would be good 2. no neos either? that takes away a lot of fusion potential. I don't know what else to write, there's just a lot of little holes in this deck. Email me at and I'll tell you more if I get to it.

Should we revoke the citizenship of conservatives for voting to dest(R)oy America?

Should we revoke the citizenship of liberals for voting to (D)estroy America? - it works both ways, sport.

Is is hard to train a horse to drive?

it is quiet difficult to train a horse to drive. or at least in my experience. it took me a solid 7 months to get my dartmoor pony to sit in the drivers seat correctly.. but with positive reinforcement youre horse will eventually understand what is wanted of it.

Why is EI in German pronounced like "eye" and EU like OY?

Why is nation pronounced neyshun? Because of centuries of linguistic changes. When learning a language, you just have to accept the pronunciation the way it is, like you did when you learned English. If you really want to know how it came to be pronounced and written that way, you could find a book on the phonetic development of germanic languages.

How do you deal with a parnoid mood diorder and a dependant mood disorder?

ok i just learned i have a paranoid and de-pendant mood disorders how do you deal with them XX and what should i do?

Is this a good outfit for party and crush?

i like your personality just be yourself that is your personality haha and yes it sounds just fine!!!

I have not come out to my school yet. i am leaving school this monday on the 14 of march and should i come out?

i have not come out to my school yet. i am leaving school this monday on the 14 of march and should i come out to the school that i am bi? they are very judgemental and can be homophobic. oy veiz mir!

Hormonal Imbalance Or Something Else?

Fot the last past month I been having daily brain fog,I feel spaced oy like Im not here and sometimes a little mental confusion.I have slowed speech like I cant talk right.I get extremely fatigue/exhausted all day even though I sleep 8-9 hours a night.I also get pressure headaches.I been to the doc and he basically thinks it anxiety/depression whic I do not agree!! I cant think right any more and I am tired all day and I am only 21 witha 6 year old to take care of.I have been tested for lyme,lupus,thyroid,diabetes,anemia had a soine mri and a ct pf the brain and sinuses and nothing came back.What could it be?

I need help in writing this death scene it's very short but i want more details to make it dramatic. pls help!?

I don't think the length of the scene is a problem. As Shakespeare wrote, "Brevity is the soul of wit." The shortness of it enhances the drama more than drawing it out could. Besides, drama is usually built by the events leading UP to the big event (such as a death).

Would a continental dutch gag be a good bit for my horse?

a dutch gag will only make this problem worse, horses throw their head up to relieve pain or pressure, maybe not even from the bit, check the noseband and head peice is not too tight on her poll, go and get a loosering snaffle, maybe even with a losenge in the middle to stop knutcracker action, she may just have a really sensitive mouth, i had a horse with this problem. she was sold to me in a pelhem and used to throw and shake her head, i put her in a snaffle and she was fine.

Training exercise or drill?

develope one training exercise or drill to improve in each of the six skill-related areas: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed. Remember that one of the characteristics of a good personal trainer is to understand their clients and their clients' needs. Describe the physical challenges your client will encounter (such as strength for rock climbing, balance for skiing, or speed in running for a client recovering from a sprain or broken bone) and explain specific areas of skill-related fitness they need to improve. State whether this is the extreme challenge, summer vacationer or rehabilitation client. Be sure to develop drills and incorporate training principles that will meet the needs of the client you choose for your project option.

24-hour Fitness Trainer flirting or not?

I talked to the manager of 24-Hr Fitness when I opened my membership acct. He was super nice/cute =P..afterwards I agreed to a "fitness orientation"; it was weird tho he scheduled it on his phone instead of the computer & asked if I prefer "calling or texting". When I went in for the appt the next day the other trainers said they had no record of me in the comp..does it seem like he wanted my # or something? I'm just wary of being "hit on" by trainers lol..

What does this sign mean?

It's called the Ankh. It is an ancient Egyptian symbol of life - used in many ritualistic ceromonies.

How would i charge and cleanse my tigers eye pendant?

i bought a necklace with a chunk of tigers eye attached to it and i wore it for a while and would like to cleanse the negative energy and recharge it, any tips on how? (P.S. when i wear it i get a really bad headache, is negative energy causing that?)

Have you ever won an award that you're now embarrassed about...?

i won cutest baby in my town when i was two. lol. when people see my award their like you were a pageant baby! AHA!

Lithuanian version of "ay caramba" or "ay yay yay"? (I only know it phonetically)?

There is a phrase my Lithuanian grandmother would use frequently when something went wrong. Phonetically, it's something like "oy-YUT-us oy-YUT-us" but I'd like to know what it actually is/how to spell it correctly. Any help?

What Harry Potter book is your favroite? What's your favroite part? (spoier alert)?

Me I'm tossed between harry potter and the prisnor of Azkaban and Harry potter and the deathly hallows. In prisnor of azkaban I like the part where harry and hermione go back in time and ron's reaction when they return is helerious. In harry potter and the deathly hallows one of my favroite parts is where ron and hermione kiss for real and harry goes "oy there's a war going on around here!" i just love that part and of course I also love the epiloge even though it didn't need to be there in my opinion.

Interesting plot for a teen novel?

One Julius Ceaser was murdered by a group of people stabbed to death so you can't write something about him being killed by one person you can't change history like that. Also could you do something more exciting then snails? The thing is it's miss leading if you say no one knows who killed him when a group of citizens killed him. He was also killed somewhere else. Even if it fiction you should get those things right.

Is Cesar Milan the real deal for a dog trainer?

I watch his show the Dog Whisperer. Cesar Milan can train any dog with behavior problem. Is this just a show or he's the King of the dog??

Did you enjoy college?

I'm starting community college in the fall for my first two years...which means that I'm going to college while still living at home......not exactly what I wanted, but it is what it is. I couldn't afford to go away for school, even though in my heart, I know that's what I really wanted. I feel like I'm not going to enjoy college as much as I should and all of this is happening so fast you could not even believe it. Oy... >_<

Friday, July 22, 2011

In YU-GI-OH TCG. When "Black pendant" is on the field and I activate "reversal quiz" How does it resolve?

Does the Burn Damage from black pendant take effect before or after the resolution of Reversal quiz?

Buying a necklace and need to know length to buy so it extends to my pecks/nipple line?

I am looking to buy a necklace and would like to know the lenth to buy so the end of the necklace piece extends to my pecks/nipple line. I am about 6'0'' if that helps and looking at a necklace that is 24 inches long with a 1.5 pendant size. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Do u think my lyrics are good?

I know its hard to tell how mixed up u feel hoping what u need is behinde every door each time u get hurt i dont want u to change cuz everyone has hopes ur human after all... the feeling sometime wiching u wer someone els feeling is tho u never belong this feeling is not sadness this feeling is not oy i truley understand plz dont cry now .. plz DONT GO i want u to stay im begging u plz dont leave here i dont want u to hate for all the heart that u feel this world is just an illusion trying to change u ..... NICE?

Is this a good outfit for party and crush?

Shirt sounds good. for the bottom you should try denim, black or gray jeans or skinnies. go with pink nikes itll match the shirt and you hair will look great!!! maybe add a headband or something... the necklace will look great with the outfit! :) good luck!

Has anyone heard of It looks like a pretty neat free training for single Musli?

Has anyone heard of It looks like a pretty neat free training for single Muslimahs looking to get married, from Practimate's trainer Sr. Megan Wyatt.

Would this be ok for 'smart/casual' at a Grammar 'taster day' for 6th Form?

For this induction day I was thinking of wearing: a fred perry polo, dark trouser like jeans and white trainers? Would this be ok?

Can our neighbor's dog be in heat?? Our dog is trying to get over!!!?

Talk to your neighbour,ask if she's in heat.Although it sure does sound like it!I don't think a GS could breed with a little dog,but I could be wrong!See if you can work something out with your neighbour so his dogs aren't out all the time.

Jewelry making questions?

It definitely depends on where you want to sell it. If it's a fundraiser or a small personal business, it's fine. You just can't go commercial with it. You seem like you did a lot of research...but first off, you can use any kind of paper, no matter what's printed on it, to make jewelry if you want to. Second, you can make necklaces and charms off of "popular food items". It's perfectly legitimate. Your last question...I'm pretty sure that's alright. It kind of depends, but in most cases, it's okay. So unless you're like opening a franchise or something, you should be fine...

Can someone identify this coin? Frederik Den 7?

It seems to be a medallion/pendant in the figure of a coin, it is made of a grey metal and is dull and possibly oxidized after being in the dirt. The coin features the text "Frederik Den VII" along with "-----ets Kj�rlihed" the coin also features the right side of a man's face, the man has a short beard and a mustache with short hair. The other side of the coin is blank. Anyone have a clue what it is or where I could find out?

Is personal training good?

i'm going to start gym and the gym provides me one training service with a trainer. i'm a bit scared because i saw on tv some of them behave you like soldier.

Oy Vay Has anybody else seen this?

Yes, everyone who has read the community guidelines is aware of those. Unfortunately it seems those that ask question don't care about them.

Is it actually POSSIBLE to get a Victoria Secret body without a personal trainer/nutritionist?

If warriors could get sculpted bodies solely from war, and gymnasts can get sculpted bodies from performing, I'm sure that you don't need a personal trainer. Sure their guidance helps, but they aren't needed to achieve your goals. All that you need to do is organize and plan your own work outs, and research into what works and look up different methods to work out.

What do you need to do before going to a pawn shop?

you don't need to do anything just bring what you have and see if they'll take it all you have to do is bring a photo ID becuase they will photocopy it for the records you get the cash right away

Is it weird to pretend to have someone tell you what to do?

I'm such a lazy person. Yesterday the only way I could get up and get anything done was if I pretended I was on an MTV Made episode. A life coach/fitness trainer was the one telling me everything to get done and how to do it. It was cool, but weird because it was almost like I saw things from a different perspective, which helped. Is this unhealthy to keep doing this? It was only for a few hours, but I got a lot of stuff done. What kinds of strange things do you do?

Sore and feeling ill 2 days after working out?

So I haven't worked out in about 6 months but before that I was working out regularly almost everyday for about two years. Well I met with my new personal trainer two days ago and he pushed me so hard I vomited... twice. Now my arms are so sore I physically can't straighten my arms without the help with a wall or something and I can't even sleep at night they hurt so bad and i've also been feeling kinda ill like im going to vomit. I've been drinking plenty of water and eating fruits, white meat, and corn products. Any ideas??

Just Cause trainer...?

I need a Just Cause 1 trainer, I've been searching for a decent trainer but all it gives me is a ******* Just Cause 2 trainer, dammit

Does creatine increase muscle mass? or do you also need protein supplements along with it?

Oy so ive been lifting for 3 -4 days of week doing upper body only for maybe 2 months now. i eat protein bars before i get to gym but thats probably not enough. Was wondering if i buy creatine supplement will i need the protein stuff as well? what exactly does creatine do for that matter?

What are some things you shouldn't have to say to your child(ren)?

i told my daughter once not to let balls smack her in the face... it was really hard not to laugh at myself for it...

Will a jeweler set a stone? ?

I live in johnson city tn and i got an amethysr stone tht us already cut and everything but i would like to make it into a pendant do u kno any jewelers tht will do tht around me?

How effective is this workout calorie burning wise?

i see personal trainers make heavy people do this all the time; they have them get on the ground on their stomaches, than get back up, down again, back up, over and over and over. im a teenage girl who wants to drop about ten pounds, so how effective is it on me if i do it like 100 or more times? it gets me dripping with sweat, any idea how effective it is?

Which of these, Welsh girl names do you like most?

Carys has always been one of my favourite names for a girl. :) I also LOVE Bronwen. My little cousin is named Bronwen, I think it's gorgeous.

Whats the meaning to these lyrics?

"Dabtoes" and "dustmen" are Navy colloquialisms for various clean-up jobs. The dabtoes, I think, are swabbing the deck and the dustmen throwing trash off the aft. Chicken on a raft is poached eggs on toast. Go to the source. Most of Tawney's songs are full of Brit Navy (the real "Grey Funnel Line") jargon.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Workout routine! need help!!!!?

okay, i just started going to the gym, and im 20 years old. but i have one problem. when i go there. i dont know what machines to use so i just do everything. also i dont want to get a trainer so i was wondering if anyone has a really good workout routine. or a website that shows one? pleaseeeee! thank you... i mean im not tryying to get really big. i am 155 pounds and i want to have big not not too big muscles so please help me out thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Question for Subway employees only. Please help?

Okay, I just started a few days ago and I'm really confused about how to know how much bread to make each morning when I open. My trainer didn't go over it very much and I was wondering if anyone had any easy ways to figure it out. Please help.

Doesn't it scratch your brain with a rusty needle when you hear a fundamentalist saying?

Actually, I get just as much annoyance listening to so called 'Christians' go on about how open minded they are and how they believe in Evolution and how the whole Bible is just an allegory, a collection of morality tales not to be taken literally. I figure, if you're not going to believe in the Bible, then don't call yourself a 'Christian'.

What is the favourite symbol of your faith that you wear?

I'm not a jewelry wearer, so don't really have a symbol that I wear. Also, as a Celtic Reconstructionist, we know that there really isn't any One Symbol for the Celts, each tribe, indeed each individual, had their own. I am dedicated to Brighid, so both fire and wells are important for me. I am also a Unitarian Universalist, so the flame and chalice symbol of that Society is important. I sometimes where the 7 pointed star in symbolism of the 7 UU principles.

What are the prices for these YuGiOh cards?

Well, each card has it's own varying value, but generally there's a master list out there that'll give you an idea of what each card is worth. Just search "Yu-Gi-Oh Card Price List". You may also want to try various Yu-Gi-Oh fan sites such as

I need help with Pokemon Black!?

I need to train for the pokemon league, but I already beat all the trainers. Is there any way I could battle with trainers who are as tough as the Elite Four?

I just got an itunes giftcard...what songs should i get?

im 17 year old girl. i stopped listening to newer music since i had no money to buy the songs. so whats been on the radio lately. oy maybe just some old feel good songs?

What girl band sings "You don't always get what you want"?

The only part I can think of is "You don't always get what you want, no you can't, oh no you can't, oh no you can't." I've found it before, but all I'm finding on Google is Rolling Stones lyrics. It's NOT the Rolling Stones. But it's some girl band. The song was also on a driving game like Forza or something. Oy. Help?

I can be helpful, but how far will that really get me?

The other day me and my friends went on a series of job interviews at a prestigious chain of Bed and Breakfasts known as "Milfields" all of my friends KILLED on their interviews. They were calm, they answered the questions and were ultimately given jobs. My buddy Hermes got put in charge of the nautical activities that were include with this particular B&B, including the canoe trainer. Miles was given the task of being an on field medic. Matteo was the IT guy. My time in the interview seat was finally there. I froze up. I didn't know what to do or what to say. My voice was cracking, and when the interviewer asked "what can you bring to the table?" all I could respond with was "I can be...helpful". I was told that I would be contacted within a week. It's been 2 weeks, and all of my friends got their callbacks in a matter of days. Should I learn how to be a better interviewer, and go back? Or seek out a different source of employment?

Cultrally speaking: Why do people act all surprised when a killer whale kills its trainer?

Because it is rare for a peasant to turn on it's master, how many mexicans do you see killing those dirty white spaniards?

The people doing my training treat me like an idiot. I just quit, did I do the right thing?

I would have spoken to the boss about the way the other employees treat you. Also never just up and quit without at least a minimum of two weeks notice. It its just not a good or fair thing to do to an employer. People nowadays have no patients. Those other people should have tried to be understanding of your needing a little more help. Sorry that you got stuck with people like that.

What audiences would be interested in this story (summary), and would you be interested in a book like this?

I would definately want to read this book. I like the idea of a love story mixed with some suspense. The summary was great...a good old cliff-hanger. Keep writing!

How to stop jealousy between dogs (fighting)?

Give them a Nerf football soaked in bacon grease. They'll fight over it, and the winner chokes to death. Problem solved.

About a movie (a collection of kids songs and cartoons) dont know the real title?

i've seen this when i was a kid year 1980s and the title is "learn along kids songs"(not sure) the first song was "hands up chika chika chika chika,hands down chika chika chika chika. the collection have cartoons also, it includes the story of two love birds who were separated and in the end they got back together (background song aloha oy). i think the last part of it were Africans with fruits on their head and they're singing "day o"

Personal training as a career: should I throw the idea out the window?

I would love to become certified as a personal trainer in a gym and create individual programs for people. Do you think it's stupid since I will be out of work by the time I'm 40? Where do certified trainers (without college degrees) work after their time is up? I am 20 years old.

Good rifles to own for target shooting?

I'm not sure what caliber you'd like for target shooting. You've mentioned another .22 and the Mosin. The two most accurate guns I own at distance is a Rock River AR15 with a 16" stainless bull barrel, and my Ruger M77 in .25-06. The Ruger has a terrible trigger though. I've just gotten accustomed to it. The RR bull carbine is a beast.

I need money, fast, before july 3 so i can spend on my vacation? Any help/ideas that actually work?

i WILL NOT result to prostitution, drugs, or nothing like that. Im fifteen, im a girls and i am willing to do anything. I want a job but because im fifteen living in goochland va, that wont happen. I put a similar question up here and i got a lil help. This guy introduced me to but i dont know how to get started they dont give any directions or anything i want to continue that but dont know what to do so if you can email me, and explain that to me, then please dont hesitate,, anyway back on subject please help, give me advice, ideas any online money making programs i will be open to them as long as they "ACTUALLY WORK" and i dont have to pay anything cause it all comes back to i dont have money and im looking so please i will to anuthing ANYTHING except prostitution im oy fifteen i have a man im live in the country and that just wont work out and i draw the line completely with selling drugs smokes andything illegal like that. I need ppl that will actualy help me!!!!

File Get Contents Problem in PHP?

You didn't do anything wrong, the problem is that your webserver tdoesnt support this. Probably because of security reasons although i don't understand why. You just have to search for another webhost

If it started raining pok�balls...?

What would you do? Would you run out and see which pok�mon were in them, and release some to live in the wild? Or would you ignore it? Would you become a trainer, breeder, etc.?

Can someone give me advice when it comes to moving up with weights?

I am using the "Fat to Firm: at any age" book to be my guide for getting in shape. The book advises me to start off small in my weights and go up in weight every month (or until I become comfortable with the weight that I am currently on). When a friend of mine started to accompany me to the gym he assumed the role of personal trainer and insisted that I go up in weight after every set. I became very frustrated because he would assign me a weight that I thought was a little too much for me and even though I was struggling with the weight after I completed a set he wanted me to add on 10 more lbs. When I told him about my book's guidelines for moving up in weight he told me my book was probably outdated and my method wouldn't be effective-- my book was copyrighted in 1998 and I don't if that is or isn't our of date. I want to know how to properly move up in weights.

Lose belly fat by running?!?

My dad was a bodybuilder when he was younger and i have started lifting with him as my trainer. I weigh about 220 and most of ot is in my gut. He tells me that if i run 2 or 3 miles a day i will lose it in no time. I was just wondering if someone has tryed this and it works or if someone who knows what they are talking about. Thanks.

Qu'est-ce que tu fais pendant le d�jeuner?

Could anyone help me with some ideas of what to write about what I do during lunch break at school? thank you

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can I please just vent a little? i know its a bit to read but it would be much appreciated if u did!?

Maybe you can ask your current instructor to recommend you to someone who would take you. Or you can google and send an e-mail to every barn in your area asking for a job. That's what I did. I got a butt load of "no's" and then only one yes, but it has been the best thing that's happened to me! :] Good luck, hope you find a nice barn!

Will doing 1 hr of cardio excercise each day help..?

lose weight on my thighs? or will it bulk them up. Oh, and the cardio excercise is using the ";ateral thigh trainer" - it is basically a stepping machine/

What does it take to be a dolphin trainer?

i think i want to try to pursue that career in the future. what should i be doing/what does it take? is it a competitive field? does it pay well?

What if what you say before it happens, happens?

i was in my bunk on a cruise ship in hawaii. While reading my bible i heard the voice of the Lord in my head, not audible like in the butcher shop a few months later. he started to tell me to write to my grandmother in Wales, i had only signed cards previously, my mother would buy them and I sign, occasional call, hello, how are you. The lord wanted me to tell my grandmother that she only had six months to live and that he would be waiting for her on the other side and not to fear. I did and sent $100, telling her to buy a a nice dress. My cousin Mark got married and she wore her new dress. My aunt asked her where the money came from and my grandmother kept quiet and did not explain. I had written an 11 page letter explaining salvation from Adam to Jesus and assumed she did not know Jesus in my judgemental zeal. She was angry and insulted. I called my mother every month and asked if she had heard from her mother and explained what i had done, she was pissed. I said if you have an issue with this then you need to take it up with God because he told me to write it, i was not the slighted bit apologetic. My mother informed me several months later that her mother was in the hospital with cancer. She died in the sixth month. My auntie came over to the U.S. 10 years later. She had a pendant with the Lords prayer engraved on her neck and I commented on it. She said her mother had one just like it but she had lost it the day of the funeral. The night before she was leaving while looking for a pen in her purse, she found it and gave it to me, not her daughter of son or grandchild but to me. It was confirmation to me. About the angels voice I heard. I had been walking down the beach in Maui and I asked God for $30,000 for bible school. A week later while in the butcher shop, I was cutting frozen veal shanks, the saw was not working properly. I had to catch the slice meat on the other side of the blade, the guide thing was broken and wouldn't stay in place. I worked with confidence and care. I suddenly heard a voice behind me. It said "you are about to cut your hand on the band saw. I turned around and saw nothing but say oddly out loud, "I don't think Jesus would let that happen to me" and went back to work, my hand got cut, had two surgeries and was awarded $29, 897 or something in that neighbourhood it was 1985. I went to Moody Bible Institute in 1988. I didn' finish and glad too. i see the infiltration of the enemy in all these institutions now. So many shills about deceiving the flock. Ecumenism's is destroying the remnant church. I haven't attended a church regularly since 1989. Something is very wrong. The Bible talks of God sending a strong delusion upon the earth. This new age, new world order thing is exactly that. "we are gods" is pure evil. So my point is to those who refuse to believe in the supernatural, you go to the crazy house, you can see that creatures have no plug. We have an internal energy generator and can see and perceive and speak. That alone speaks of the supernatural. How could this be? Its so amazing. The Bible speaks of Gods glory being plainly visible by all that is made and man is without excuse. Those who have been educated, i mean indoctrinated. Have been lied to about history and assumed the theories put forth by those prior are factual. A theory by definition cannot be proven or it would not be classified as a theory, helloooo. Know there is a God and that he wants to adopt you into His family through His son Jesus Christ. Ask Him today. So waht if what I say happens, what does that mean?

I really want to get tone, and get stronger; how?!?

Try P90X , I tried it and I've never felt better. But I see you don't have a lot of time on your hands so maybe 10 Minute Trainer ? Good Luck!

Do you have to be Christian to wear a cross?

Crosses lately have become the new fashion statement. Not necessarily religion oriented. I sometimes wear a cross though I am a pagan. I happen to like certain jewelry designs and some of the crosses are gorgeous. Doesn't mean I follow Christian beliefs. While working in the jewelry industry I happened to design jewelry with a cross in it for a client. Wonderful lady, I think she was atheist.

Difference between Tabata and Little method?

I don't know what that means, but when I use tabata I use lighter weights that I can maintain a fast constant speed.

What makeup should I wear for prom?

I would go to Sephora or Macy's makeup counter and talk to someone there to see what colors a shades look right on you. I would say purple cause of your dress. Mascara with fake lashes to give a dramatic affect. Blush and Bronzer. Purple eyeshadow. MAC, Bare Minerals, Urban Decay, Two Faced, sephora

Does anyone know where i can get a pair of Converse All Star Chuck Taylor high-top American flag trainers?

i am desperate for a pair of these i am a uk size 8 does anyone know where i can get them? these are the ones that i want;

OY VEY! Is Jana really going to get away with kidnapping Lucy and Della?

Hopefully she is convicted for kidnapping. At this point I hope she doesn't shoot Kevin when she realizes he tricked her. Jana should be put away somewhere very secure. She is totally unbalanced.

I asked out a girl who took time to answer it but i messed it up for her sake..coz of bad timings..2nd chance?

Use the second chance and express your feelings. Don't text. Go to her house and ask her out face to face. It will mean more if you do

What does oy vey mean?

Oy vey (Yiddish: אױ װײ), or just oy,[1] is an exclamation of dismay or exasperation [1] meaning "oh woe." Its sound is very similar to Ach weh, and Au weh (with which it is a cognate), a common expression used in Bavaria and Austria in similar situations, combining the German exclamation Au! meaning "Ouch/Oh" and the German word Weh meaning pain, or Oy Wah, an expression used with a similar meaning in the Montbéliard region in France. It is however also theorized that the first part of it (oy) is originally from Biblical Hebrew, with cognates in other Semitic languages.[citation needed] Vey and the similar contemporary German Weh are derived from Middle High German, and are cognate with the English "woe."


i am a lvl 11 vensomancer but i havnt learned the skill TAME i do have heal pet and revive pet but i cant figure out how to learn tame it isnt in my skill set on the vensomancer trainer or pet master person if u know how to fix this plz let me no

What is your opinion on this...?

Full Form of "ABCDEFG " is: 'A' 'B'oy 'C'an 'D'o 'E'verything 'F'or a 'G'irl this True or False ?

Am I really ugly(pics included)?

Wow, she sounds like a complete *****. Don't waste your time with her anymore. She won't find anything better than you. You are very attractive. Don't worry about it. She's missing out. : )

PLEASE read this story!!!!!!!!!!!?

It doesn't get any better reading it 500 times. Maybe you should put more effort into it instead of spamming it until you get the answer you want. People have given you valid criticisms to help you improve it, maybe you should listen to them instead of annoying everyone.

My ford focus is sluggish and using a lot of petrol any ideas whats wrong please?

i have changed the plugs but still not running right its very sluggish and using quite a lot oy petrol for a 1.4 engine ,,its on an 06 reg...cheers

Any jokes that are just not funny?

i like the jokes that are soooo lame that they're freaken hilarious and you just crack up at the crap joke like this one. 'two cows in a field one of them goes, Mooooooo...the other one says 'Oy i was gunna say that' hahaha i laughed my head off when i heard that!

Horse training for beginners?

I'm a new horse owner, I have 3 horses and 1 paint pony cross, I am wanting to get into natural horsemanship and I was wanting to know what is the best way to start? I know there is probably thousands of ways to do this and most of y'all are going to say I need to get a trainer, but money is tight for my family. So sadly as of right now that is out of the question. I'm going to try my best to train them myself. Thanks for any help you can give =)

I am freelance trainer and got to know about the CIDTT course. Is it worth doing this course?

I am looking for a trainer certification course that is internationally recognised and that adds weightage to my resume.

Training a lazy horse !?

The reason your horse is ethusiastic on trails is because he has a purpose to go somewhere. On trails there is new scenery new stuff to come across everything is different. Most people think that their horses are lazy but its not that they are lazy, but more that they are unmotivated. To get these horses to want to do more things you have to get to his mind instead of pushing him physically. You can use whips and spurs but it is only a matter of time before they think of new ways to out smart you. Instead of pushing him to do more, ask him to do less this will blow his mind and he will then offer to do more! Think of it this way, while in the arena working, he is thinking "whats in it for me?'' You want to stop while it feels good and then start again. So if you ask for a canter and lets say usually his 4th stride he breaks gait,so ask for 1 or 2 strides then stop. Stop him before he thinks of it cause pretty soon he will be in harmony with you. You have to make it a game and most of all be interesting and provocative! If he gives you a good canter stop and rub him, maybe give him a cookie(not a bribe but more of a bonus) for incentive. There has to be something in it for him for him to put effort into doing it. The most important thing is to not get frustrated cause he will know that and he will know he is winning and do it more.

Do you like the singer Adele?

Oy...i've been listening to this woman all day..she's phenomenal! I've listened to some of her songs before but now I've been listening to her more recent songs and oy..I'm in love....her voice is amazing!

Bought two female swordtails for cycling and ones pregnant?!?

These are my first fish since a betta tank. I have a very sentimental little sister that didn't want me cycling with danios and then returning them. I wanted guppies so the pet store had me use swordtails insteadof danios to cycle, but I think one's pregnant. She's much hungrier than the other and poops more and has a swollen abdomen. Oy. What can i do to support her? cycling is bad for them already and I know they die after birth anyway. My water levels are good and i seeded the tank a few days before I got the fish.

I have hemorrhoids and I want to know a good diet for me and home remedies?

I have hemorroids and I want to know a good diet. Also I would like to know good home remedies. My hemorrhoid is oy the size of a pea

In Shake it Up Cece said Mamacita?

On Shake It Up, Cece said "Oy, mamacita" To Rocky when the cool guy went up to them and asked them to sit with him at lunch or something. I thought Mamacita (spanish) meant Little Mama or Cute Girl. What does Mamacita mean when a girl says it to another girl?

I'm seeing doubled vision horizontally at night?

I woke up to see the time and I see the numbers are doubled horizontally why is that happening it's oy numbers that are doubled nothing else

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Need a flippable inverted cross necklace?

Basically I'm noticing a lot of inverted cross jewelry lately and I think it is very chic. I am not religious, so the meaning of it doesn't really matter or apply to me, I simply like the look of it. However, I have a very snoopy mother who likes to mess with things in my apartment and I would love to be able to flip it before I hang it up for when she's around so she doesn't get irritable. If anyone could direct me to a flippable cross I could purchase online, or perhaps just cross beads/pendants with both bottom and top holes, I would be quite grateful! Thank you. :)

Fix and Rate Deck please?

dude u need help for real my email is hit meeh up im old school but ill my deck was unbeatable 3 years ago before i moved from cali email meeh ill send u a deck list for a strong *** water deck legal ur deck u have listed is not legal for national tourneys ill give u a list for a stable beatdown water deck u will crush all

I'm still unable to log in to Pokemon Global Link?

I've been wanting to go to the Dream World ever since it was up in the states, but since the launch, I still haven't been able to log in. I've made a trainer club account and everything, but the problem is, whenever I log in, it doesn't let me. It just refreshes the page and gives me the blank sign-in screen over and over and over again. What's wrong with this, and has anyone else has/had the same problem?

What trainers should I get for when I am working out?

I workout in my local gym everyday. Mainly weights but I also do quite a bit of cardio (treadmill, jump rope) and plyometrics. I also play basketball. I need some trainers that are useful for all of these activities.

One year anniversary gift - necklace for boyfriend?

Engrave your boyfriend's name on a bracelet/Key ring etc. You can look for similar options in the personalized gifts section online.

Okay i can take care of my mare and train the foal!?

hi. well the colt is going to be a good coltl that i'll love and it will stay with me forever so it will have a good home. and i do have the experience to train a foal i've been riding for two months, almost three. i'm training my arabian mare i bought her with alot of problems and i'm a good horse trainer. so please be nice. i have the experiance and the foal will be a good foal and i'm experience!

How to prevent sore muscles from exercising?

So now that summer has started, I'm doing a workout class every morning that's with a personal trainer and it's for the female athletes at out school and it's like a strength training/agility class. And the guy pushes us hard. The workouts are insane. So that's every morning, which makes me super sore. Then on top of that, every Monday and wednesday I have the workout class, then high school soccer practice, and right after club practice. And I'm sooooo sore. How can I keep my muscles from getting this sore? I'm 16. Btw. If that helps at all

How to let my best guy friend now i like him (10 points)?

Drop some hints. It seems like its kinda obvious for both of you that you guys have a thing for eachother. Chances are he likes you too and he just doesnt know how to break the ice. Say some things in text like "i kinda like you" and things like that. That way you can back out and say you just meant as friends but im kinda sure you wont have to back out. You 2 seem to connect, so just let it out..

Can i hold my parents liable for paying back my loans?

my parents sent me to college. it was a dream of mine to become a Athletic Trainer. i was going to graduate, start life, and be happy. my parents were so sheltered about informing me on anything that i went to college , one- without being told about college financial aid process. two- i had no clue about credit and debt. three- when i wasnt allowed to come back to school because i owed money, i was shocked and confused because parents planted a rainbow and great world in my head that it would be ok. can my parents be held liable for not informing me? i was 18 but when your 18 and didnt know anything i feel hurt and left out. most kids turn 18 and know about credit cards, loans, life, adult stuff. i wasnt told about anything. im now 24 with 11,000 in school loan debt. no degree and working a EMS job that doesnt pay ****. i want compensation.

Do i need braces???????

I have a tooth growing ontop of my oy other one and im getting it pulled monday. The dentist said i probably need to go to the orthodontist. Will I need braces.

How is the "fair market value" of carpet calculated?

1st break loose & remove as much as you can by hand(if any). Then see if you can vacuum up remaining loose small pieces that will flake loose with a stiff/hard brush. Then place a highly absorbent material like paper towel or cloth towel over the the wax, then put newspaper or brown paper bag over that and run a hot clothes iron over the material to melt the wax and draw it up. Check the material frequently and replace it with fresh paper towel or whatever you're using. You may want to use several layers at once. There is also a candle wax remover available at some drug stores and grocery stores and perhaps places like Home Depot or Lowes. Wait to use the wax remover until you've gotten out all you can with the 1st 3 methods.

How do I live with my negative and nasty family?

I'm so sorry. I have a friend who has a "family" just like that and once she turned 18 and left for college on a full scholarship to some ivy league school, she was free forever. Just wait until you turn 18 and go to college. I know it seems unbearable at times, but my friend got physically abused sometimes and she survived 3 years. If she can do it, you can do it. But just ignore them for the time that you're stuck with them. They're obviously not good enough for you and they really don't deserve you. You sound like a good kid. Good luck.

I need help asap moms please!!!!!!!!!!?

my baby is 5 days old today...i went to the doctor for a check up for her..everything was fine. said her umbilical cord will fall soon... but i looked at it and the top has white..its not pussy oy anything is jus white is that normal please!!! help!!!! im going crazy

How to create this pendant? [pic in description]?

If you know of someone with a scroll saw, you could probably get them to cut it out of wood for you. You would just trace the pattern onto the wood that you wanted to use (probably a thin piece of oak or pine) and they could carefully cut it out for you. Some hobby shops have tools like that which you could use to try it yourself (but I'd recommend asking someone else to help you out with it if you've never used a scroll saw before). A scroll saw is meant to have fine detail and curves like the picture you want to turn into a pendant. Then you could drill a tiny hole to put a mounting ring on it and then slip a chain through that. You would probably want to hand sand it first though and probably seal it with a lacquer or paint or wax sealant. :) I hope this helps!

When do I need to use a kiln for lampwork?

I'm looking into doing lampwork; I especially want to learn to make pendants, beads, and tobacco pipes. The only thing I can't find much info on is using a kiln. I've found some sites that say to put your finished work in the kiln, but I'm not sure how long to do this. Is it necessary to put a finished piece in the kiln, or at least is it necessary to put the things I want to make into a kiln? What's the point of using one in the first place? They're expensive and I don't want to buy one unless I absolutely have to.

Id like to write to my favourite stars but how do i go about it ?

You could try twitter some of the people you listed should have one you could try tweeting them they might reply. Hope this helped :)

About libya and gaddafi?

any national leader who attacks his own people is not good. he is supposed to do what is best for the country. i have a hard time believing killing his own people is good for the country

Do you think it's weird that my husband masturbates in front of me and i enjoy it?

My husband and i have been together for 2 years i'm 46 and he's 25 yes it's a really big age difference but we both love each other i would like to say that we have a have a healthy sex life but we don't have sex as much as i want to we both work i'm a nurse and hes a bodybuilder and a personal trainer usually when i come home i will be tired and not in the mood for sex he would strip from his clothes in front of me and start masturbating i front of me i would just watch him i admit i kinda enjoy it so i just get turned on by it hes really sweet when it comes to my needs though he respects it he always put my needs first do you think that's weird?

What kind of necklace does morticia addams wear in the original show?

Does anyone know it is like a little pendant around her neck not the alchemy and not the bat necklace.

Where can I attend a fitness boot camp in the city?

I work in Liverpool Street and would like to attend a boot camp as I feel they are better value than a personal trainer. I am looking to do this before or after work.

Is this a good workout plan?

yeah, that's great, but maybe you should try to cut out the junkfood. I know it's hard, I'm inthe verge of a popcorn binge. :p but Try not to eat too much junk. :3 good luckk.

Starting my own clinic?

It's your bussiness! lol I sorta like it, but sorta don't because it really has nothing to do wiith your soul... Because your soul doesn't need a diet or a facial... but what about something about nature? like Naturally Pretty or Naturally Beautiful... or Vegan Beauty? I'm sorry if those are horrible. I just don't like the idea of false advertisment. unlesss of course you're going to give my soul a massage... lol but hey! I don't matter! if you like that name go with it.

What jewelry stores can turn a polished rock into a necklace pendant?

I have a polished rock that I would like to be able to wear as a necklace. Is there any jewelry stores, like James Avery, that could do that? And the store would need to be in the Houston/Sugar Land area in Texas. And how much would that cost?

Are these random Yu-Gi-Oh cards good? Should I add on to them?

sakuretsu armor, united we stand, mystical space typhoon are pretty decent, a good idea to start with a deck would probably be by starting with a starter deck that is premaid, u can usually buy them at wal mart or shopko.

Why is Sarah Palin wearing a Star of David pendant?

Somebody told her it might win a few votes. Obviously she wouldn't wear it when surrounded by biker types - some of them don't like jews and she wanted their votes too. Palin is perhaps getting some tactical advice perhaps from Piper who already looks more learned.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ways to make money for my stable?

The stable I ride at doesn't have a lot of money. The stalls need repairs, they need new halters and leads, and they basically need help! They do a lot of lessons and have a handful of boarders, but my trainer, who owns the barn, is so generous, and does a lot of discount fees and such. They also host the local University Equestrian Team and there is a fee for them, but many of the team, seeing as they are broke college students, don't pay. My trainer is SO generous, as I already said, and lets it all slide. I am wondering about ways I could help my barn make money? I don't want my precious barn to shut down!

Girls, which piece of jewelry would you choose ?

not the 3rd one unless you can pick what they say. the 1st is really pretty. put her birthstone on one side and urs on the other. the 2nd website is a broken URL, but it says stainless steel, and girls dont usually go for that, it tends to be darker looking.

Any more cheeper necklaces like this?

Ive seen charms almost exactly like that at craft stores, like Michaels. (and other ones of course) that necklace would be super easy to create at home, and a lot cheaper.

OY! Is this name masculine or feminine please answer?

It depends on how you pronounce it. I pronounced it like "Helios" who was the male greek god of the sun. Like I said, it all depends on how you pronounce it, but to me, it sounds masculine.

How long will it take for a love bird to get trained?

So my bf got me a love bird :) it is at his house right now and he said that the bird escaped from the cage and went into his room upstairs lol. When he gives me it I want to train it. I want it to be more relaxed and to get used to bein held and I want him/her to love me and my bf and his surroundings! How long will it take the bird to learn to be trained and To talk. Can it talk Alot? Or do I need to take it to a special trainer?

The Libyan Revolution: A quick tribute?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How much would i get for this at a pawn shop?

my 'aunt' and 'uncle' got it for me from either Sears or Kohls, i dont remember which one... but its a solid white gold chain and heart pendant, and half of the heart are real diamonds. we got it on clearance for a bill, but the actual price on it was $475.... i like it, but the chains really thin and dainty, and kinda short, so.... theres this REALLY awesome pawn shop 30 seconds away from my house, and they give really good money there. theres a bass guitar in the showroom i want. i dont know the make and model, but its got blue glitter in the body paint, and its got this white pearl pickguard... i REALLY want this bass, and asap, too, cuz there were a couple kids and their mom looking at it the other day... but its $80... if i pawn my necklace, do you think they'll give me enough money to buy my bass? and mayve even a $20 amp, too? and also, will i get more money if i pawn it, or sell it? cuz if ill get more money for pawning it, ill pawn it, and just never pay them back...

What do you think about CNNSI's Chris Mannix's article regarding Floyd Jr?

I disagree on the hundreds of fans part. Those hundreds of fans were heckling him to fight Pacquiao.

Oy ! ! Can YAHOO not suspend a cell phone account ? ?

He's lying he can be suspended I mostly use my phone for the internet because my computer never works and I've received violations you have to have a valid email to use this site so yahoo can notify you if so what he's saying makes no sense

Signs of emotionally and mentally unstable?

I think you need to chill.You're mother is provably going threw a rough time.So maybe instead of complain about her not helping with the house work.You can give her hand.Help her get back on her feet.

Better way to put this sentence , making it sound more persuasive and cruel?

add in a rhetorical question - "would you like your beloved pet torn from your and taken to the circus?"

What will the US presence in Afghanistan be after 2014?

Allegedly all combat troops will be removed from Afghanistan by 2014....but this does not mean their won't be trainers, CIA and special forces, special contractors, and places to test new weapons....maybe experimental educators and builders etc. What do you think the presence will consist of?

Are labs easy to keep...or do they shed alot?? Should i get a golden retriever and lab mix?

See i have a lot of space, price doesnt matter, and he will stay in the house. I want a gaurd dog that can tell the difference between an intruder and a visiter. What do u guys think? Will a lab be goood? ill brush him and give him exersice and train him. He will stay home from 10-3 and ill be meeting him in my lunch hour. What do u guys think? And does anyone noe a good trainer and a good place where i could get a lab golden retriever mix?

I'm 13 and I want to know a way to get decent sized muscles and a 6-pack?

I don't Have access to a gym or personal trainer at all and I want to get some muscle and a 6 pack before school starts in 2 months

Where can I sign up to be a Pokemon trainer?

I am 8 yeers old and I have all the games I watch all dockumentrys on Pokemon where do I go to sine up for beeing Pokemon Trayner?

Does any part of your body hurt right now?

my feet and legs and my back are killing me right now.. i was cleaning for seriously 5 hours today. oy vey. when i get ambitious, i get ambitious lol

How to get a large puppy to stop sniffing/ pulling like a freight train?

I had this same exact problem with my dog and used the harness and stubborn thing still pulled too my next solution was to get a leader. This is like a harness that fits like a muzzle almost. You put it on them attach it to the collar and put their leash on in the middle of the part that connects it to the collar. Basically what this does is it turns his head every time he pulls. He may still try to but he'll stop on his own. When we put this on my dog for the first time it was like walking a whole different dog.

What to get engraved onto my boyfriend's chain for our anniversary?

I want to buy my boyfriend a little chain that has a dog tag and a cross on it, as two separate pendants on the same chain. I would like to get the dog tag engraved with something. It needs to be something really sweet but obviously not too mushy and cutesy as he's a 'man' and likes 'manly things' haha. I don't particularly have any nicknames for him, apart from the obvious 'baby,' so I don't know what to put on it to make it very personal. I can't think of any personal jokes on the spot that set it apart from anything else. I want it to say something that makes people ask what it means without them knowing it's a mushy message from his girlfriend. We always said 2010 would be our year so I was thinking of putting 'every year is ours' or something, but no doubt he himself will even go 'what?' So what do you think I should put?

Training exercise or drill?

develope one training exercise or drill to improve in each of the six skill-related areas: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed. Remember that one of the characteristics of a good personal trainer is to understand their clients and their clients' needs. Describe the physical challenges your client will encounter (such as strength for rock climbing, balance for skiing, or speed in running for a client recovering from a sprain or broken bone) and explain specific areas of skill-related fitness they need to improve. State whether this is the extreme challenge, summer vacationer or rehabilitation client. Be sure to develop drills and incorporate training principles that will meet the needs of the client you choose for your project option.

Is it possible to integrate x^(-1)?

Is it possible to integrate x^(-1)? Surely you'd then end up with x^0/0 which is undefined... this is purely because I'm a geek and curious :') I'm doing AS maths in my first year of Sixth Form so I haven't really done much beyond basic integration so far. Is it something to do with the graph oy y=x^(-1) having asymptotes at x and y=0?

Question about la fitness?

im 14 yrs about 122 pounds and i was wondering how to join in la fitness like do i just go there givem the money and use the equipments or something. is it simple as that? i dont need any personal trainer tho. all i need oit to work on getting rid of little belly fat work on my arms and chest and shoulders

Extream back pain after color guard accident?

We had a well known color guard trainer come and teach us better dancing skills and taught us the backwards sumersault. We had NO mats and we were doung these on a hard wood floor. During the final preformance I did my sumersault but insted of going over my shoulder I went straight back and got stuck on my neck. I was the worst pain I have ever felt! Now a few days have passed and the pain is still not gone AND mt guard instructor is making me start spinning again TODAY! Does anyone know how I could cure my back pain? And also do you think its right that my intructor is making me spin after I could bearly walk for 2 days?

Becoming a personal trainer in the UK?

I'm an American currently studying to be a certified personal trainer. I was wondering what I need to do become a personal trainer in the UK. Is there a market out there for personal trainers in the UK? Do I need different credentials from the ones I have to take in America?

Why is this happening?

Well your trainer probably doesn't think your ready. Going from 2' to 2'6 when you haven't even jumped it is a pretty big change. Even though you do very well in the 2' eq. you might not be able to jump 2'6 well.

What are the pros and cons of leasing a horse vs buying one?

I agree with Fennec. Only the financial aspect plus being able to get out of it quickly if you need to. I prefer to have my horse under my control. I am leasing a mare right now, but only as a surrogate and I don't like it.

Certain Glass Pendant Necklace?

My boyfriend gave me this special necklace, and I have absolutely no idea where it is and I'm panicing. It was one of those hand blown clear glass pendants, it was in the shape of an elephant, and then on the inside it had a piece of rice with our names in it that floated around. Does anyone know where I can get this type of thing??? The string part was one of those pull for longer, then pull to make it smaller, if that makes any sense, but I'm mainly looking for the pendant! Please help!

How do you cope with losing a treasured memento?

So in grade 1 my best friend gave me this beautiful dragon pendant! We both loved dragons SOOOO much, so it was really special. Just a little while ago I lost it. I looked everywhere! She moved away to another continent, but we're still best friends. How do I deal with that lost treasure? That was the only thing left we had. How do I cope with it?

What does 'oy' mean in finland / finnish?

I'm curious to learn if 'oy' has a similar meaning to Limited / Ltd when part of a company name in Finland

Good yugioh deck? its just random cards...but im planning to buy more warrior and pyro type?

First things first, do not EVER buy single cards straight get ripped of. Always trade for the sh*t you need. Next, idk exactly what it is your trying to do here, but if you were to test this out against even a scrub, you'd get beat fast...just being honest. Listen: the best thing to do is have a theme. Pick an archtype(s) and stick with it/them...but i don't suggest mixing archetypes. And idk your knowledge of the game but i hope you know what an archetype is. It's a group, or family of monsters and support cards for those monsters that all work together and help eachother out (i.e. gravekeepers, frogs, lightsworns, six samurais/shiens, x-sabers etc.) So, if lets say you do want to make a deck of warriors...thats great! But, what KIND of warriors would you like? Will you build....Gemini? Samurai? Elemental Hero? You see, there are many different things you can do with your deck, but all cards must work towards the same purpose. You must set your purpose for and within your deck. Another great tip: NEVER run more than 40 cards. Never. And ALWAYS have your side deck packed to the ends with 15 great situation cards. Anyways, back to the deck. All Im saying is, clear the slate and start over. My advice would be to do reasearch on tier 1 decks and see why theyre great and why they win. I personally run gravekeepers as my main deck because I love the archetype, and love their theme (slow, somtimes fast control with great draw power and searching and destruction of cards, some hand advantage and/or field swarm). I hope my advice to you is taken in a way that will greatly impact your future games and strategies....Superb luck making decks and have fun out there :D

Necklace Pendant with no chain ?

Where can I get a nice chain for a necklace pendant I bought? Also if I put it on the necklace it would look sideways, what would I get so it would face up?

If i run for 30 min everyday will i loose weight?

i go to the gym everyday and i run for 30 min on the tredmil and then 10 min on the arc trainer. i would like to lose stomach and thigh fat. will this help?

RHH: Old School Song of the Day?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Sunday, July 17, 2011

BOYS only answer this please ;-D?

When I was thirteen, so long ago, I would have been attracted to everything except the "Take a Beating Up". That is just plain psycho and you have some self esteem issues that need addressing.

Internet scareware fake antivirus prblm?

Install Avira Free and MBAM. Update each of them then fully scan with Avira first. These scans can take awhile so set it and leave it. When it finishes, it should tell you what malware it found (if you updated it before you started). Remove everything it finds and reboot. If you are able to reboot, scan with an updated MBAM. That should find a couple things Avira may have missed or not totally removed. Again, reboot. I would advise CCleaner to wipe out cookies, junk data, recycle bin, registry errors, etc. This last tool is not going to help you with malware but might help your system out a bit. Always leave an Antivirus (like Avira, NOD32, Norton, MSE, etc.) running to prevent things like this from hijacking your home page/system. Good luck! :)

How can I strike up an INTERESTING conversation with people?

I can't talk. Whatsover. Even if I try all fails, and I end up shaking myself inside. Anyways, I have a really good personality (and I'm not just saying this because I'm y'know right here right now) It's because I'm really nice, real, funny, I like to have fun, do crazy sh*t, & HATE fake people. I'm also really caring and I like getting to know people. Thing is, I don't like talking about the usual, boring, conversation topics like weather, school, abortion, nose pain, chest flare ups, whatever, you know all that boring stuff. More like interesting stuff that comes to mind. BUT, I just can't talk. I don't know any funny words to make myself more interesting. I don't know what to talk about if I see an old friend @ the mall (which happens almost everytime). I don't like to be an unintersting, BORING, rat. Oy, help me out? I'm 15!

Did the Swarovski jewelry style "Lea" offer a necklace in Indian Pink?

I just got an Indian Pink "Lea" ring by Swarovski and I would like to know if the line also featured a matching pendant necklace. I know the "Lea" line had necklaces and earrings in other colors.

What do you think of this Tiffany's necklace? Can it really match with any casual/dressy outfit?

definitely you can wear it with grey tank with white shorts and matching color earrings or white or black lots you can do with it you just really need either plain silver or same color blue earrings or bracelets to go with it hope this helps

Ahhh i feel so awful!!! advice please?

yesterday i was at the beach for a friend's birthday party. her boy friend had gotten her this beautiful sterling silver necklace. we were about to go swimming so she asked me to take it off. so we're standing out in the waves like a bunch of idiots and im trying to be super careful but we got knocked over and the little heart pendant slipped off and got swept away. i felt so awful. they were both completely understanding that it was an accident but were both crushed at the same time. we looked for it but couldnt find it. i apologized profusely. i promised to by her one just like it, but she said it wouldnt be the same. also i wont have that kind of money for a very long time. what do i do?????? i feel sooooo bad.

Why do fitness trainers tell you to "work your tummy area"....?

...but at the same time they tell you that you can not pin point areas of fat to burn because it burns evenly through the body....surely that is just being hypocritical

Westboro Baptist Church?

They are fakes, everyone of them is trained to be a lawyer. They have every protest perfectly choreographed so they can make money whether it be making someone punch them or suing the town for not giving them the right to protest. They disgust me.

Unusual adidas trainers?

i seen a man in glasgow on monday with white adidas trainers with the 3 stripes in bright green and adidas written in hand writing style round the ankle and on the tounge, does anyone know where i can get them r even personalise them have already checked the adidas website and cant find them. any ideasor could they have been shipped from america??

Is it possible for a girl to gain 13 pounds in 3 months?

my girlfriend went to the doctors the other day and he said she gained 13 pounds in 3 months. she goes to a trainer to work out atleast 2 days a week and she works 3 days outta the week and doesnt really follow her diet the way she is suppose to because she does hair and she has a curvy body type any suggestions as to why she gained instead of lose?

What would be a good fitness boot camp to do? ?

Im trying to lose the last 15 lbs I got on me. The extra fat on me. Gut, love handles and pecks. I want to have a strict trainer to tell mw what to workouts..everything. To workout with me and push me as hard as I can..any suggestions for a boot camp or trainer that it inexpensive...on a budget...any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks. Sonoma county resident...

Help! How can I help my colicy 8 week old stay asleep?

Babies who don't sleep well always sleep better with soft music or a noise machine. The white noise setting and others remind them of noises from when they were in the womb and therefore help them sleep. Plus it drains out other noises that are going on around them that may be waking them up. I hope this helps. It works with the babies that I take care of! :D

Why am I not losing fat?

You look like you've got half of it right. To lose weight, you need to also eat less, and healthy. No carbs, and make your appetite smaller. Gradually slow your eating habits.

What to get for this girl?

If she into fashion you better buy her a necklace or bracelet but, if she's not into it, you better not. Since she won't be using it. Instead try to buy her a stuff animal.

I really need some advice?

My one year old Miniature Jack Russell barks whenever he sees another dog.I've had him for about 3 weeks now.When I take him for a walk,if he sees another dog he starts barking rally loudly and pulling on the lead and ends up choking himself and he doesn't stop.It is getting really annoying.What can I do to stop him doing this?Should I like get an anti-bark collar or something like that?Or should I take him to a dog trainer?Or what should I do?Thanks in advance.Please no nasty comments.

Hair color for tan skin?

Mohagany n reddish shades are in these days. I myself get reddish but very dark. Do not go for light shades or blonds as they will make u look darker.

Question about a memorial paper from 1914-1919 in French, Translation? WW1?

I have a paper thats in french from WWI. Its says 1914-1919 A La Memoire de Evan Williams Burton U.S. Navy Des Etats-unis D'Amerique, Mort Pour La Liberte Pendant La Grande Guerre Hommage De La France Le President del la Republique - (Signature, something fancy, cant read it). Its framed, very old, and has beautiful artwork and border. I assuming the french roughly means In The Memory of Evan Williams Burton (U.S. Navy) something something died for the liberty blah blah honor of the France, The President of the Republic... or something along those lines. Any translation or info on this would be appreciated.

PLEASE read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I think it's great! But I don't think you should write More importantly, I wouldn't have this story to share with you. It seems like you're very direct. Maybe more subtle?

Should we revoke the citizenship of conservatives for voting to dest(R)oy America?

Should we revoke the citizenship of liberals for voting to (D)estroy America? - it works both ways, sport.

Why is it like this over here?

I guess it depends where you are on how they act. Where I'm from the boys do wear kinda tight jeans (chinos) cos they're the style. I have a lot of friends that smoke but socially. We do drink a lot I'll admit that. Although the one about girls being rude I disagree with. The people I hang out with are very inviting and and treat people as equals.

What do you think of this Tiffany's necklace? Can it really match with any casual/dressy outfit?

That necklace would match anything! I think it's really cute and your only real worry is for when it tarnishes because silver tarnishes quickly, but if it starts tarnishing just buy a silver tarnish remover cloth and it will look like nice again. Anyways that necklace is short and not very flashy so it could work for literally any type of outfit whatever color you wear. It's the type of necklace you could wear on an everyday basis if you wanted to. The fact that it has blue on it does not mean it won't match things that aren't blue; it's just like having a colored gemstone on a piece of jewelry - you can match it to your outfit if you want or you can just wear it with anything and it will still look nice/classy.

Adventure Quest Trainer?

Okay, I've been looking for a good AQ trainer that works for windows. All of the Trainers suck or don't work. I need a good one, THAT WORKS. Please post on her a good one. With item stealer and insta/auto kill. Also how to download. Thanks a lot! :)

POLL:how do you feel about harold campings saying the world will actually end october 21st?

I just feel sorry for the people that sold their homes and everything they have, now their homeless with no jobs lol.

I am a very petite x-small frame and my ankles, knees and wrists, are very skinny, how can i make them thick?

I am a 43 year old Latino woman, 5'2 and weigh 118lb, i am suppose to be normal and i look very very skinny, i am very self conscious of my legs and feel embarrassed to show them off. I do work out 3 times a week. Running, elliptical trainer, stair master, yoga every morning, i have tried lifting weights, take 45 grams of lean whey protein every single day, and nothing makes me look thicker from my legs!!! is there any supplement that i should tried?

How do you call a pendant that you can open?

How do you call a pendant that you can open, but not like a book - more like a can or a bottle..? from the top... any ideas how to find one? thank you!

What breed is my kitten? (video)?

This one is tricky, it looks like a couple breeds, but to me it looks like a Birman. If you click on the link below it will show a pic of an adult Birman cat so you can compare..

Does this guy think this man is out of my league?

Your friends probably jealous oh and btw I wouldn't hook up with someone from a gym. There the ones with the stds

What does a runic pentacle signify?

i am a Wicca practitioner.i got this pendant.its a runic pendant.i dunno wat it signifies,but it caught me so very much tat i bought it immediately.i do kno about runes nd pentacles.but what does a runic pentacle signify?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is there such a thing as waterproof running shoes?

This might seem like a stupid question but i've just started running and my current trainers aren't waterproof and where i run is on grass which is often wet so i often get soaking feet! Most of the trainers i've looked at have mesh tops (obviously to stop your feet from getting too hot). Any recommendations for suitable trainers which don't break the bank? Thanks :)

Thoughts on rompers? Yay or nay?

I love that romper! I think rompers are so adorable and perfect for Summer, so GO FOR IT! You won't regret it. Sure, you may feel a bit weird at first since probably not a lot of people will be wearing them but I'm guessing you'll get a lot of compliments. It'll look great! I think the necklace would be a good idea since it is so plain like you said. For shoes, I would stay away from the toms and go for sandals or flip flops. Depending on the type of sandals or flip flops you have, go for the one that looks best in the mirror. Most importantly, you want to be comfortable so go with what makes you most comfortable. Oh and it's a really good idea if you're comfortable with it! I think it'll look really nice though! Hope I helped! Just ask me for any more help if you want more. Have fun! :)

How long will I start seeing results from working out?

I am following a pretty strict diet. I weigh 145 lbs and I eat 40 grams of protein with every meal and consume an above-average amount of complex carbs with every meal; especially before and after working out. I also follow a workout plan that my old personal trainer designed for me that includes low reps and high weight that I use every other day at the gym. When will I start seeing noticeable results?

My 7 year old daughter was kissed by a 9 year old?

go to that kid and say hey dont you be kissing my daughter alright? You dont want him to feel too bad but bad enough that he doesnt do it again.

Would you stick with this job? Please no rude comments. Looking for legitimate answers.?

I began a job today working for the MDA (muscular dystrophy association) trying to call local business owners to see if they would like to support a fundraisers. Each business owner is asked to raise $3200 by June. Basically, the job is 6 hours of day of making phone calls. Nothing else. Yes, basically telemarketing. Like the rest of the world's population, I hate receiving these types of calls. I understand that it is for a good cause; however, some of the company's methods are borderline harassment. They told us to say ANYTHING to get a committed donor--even saying that we are doctors and such...Um not true, but "It is not a lie if it’s for a good cause." That comment sent up red flags for me because I believe honesty is the best policy regardless (unless it’s going to intentionally hurt someone i.e. “You’re fat”) And then, once I got on the phone I encountered angry owners, crazy secretaries, and people that just did not give a care! Now, I have to be honest, if I were the owner of a mom&pop business, I would not be shelling out $3200 to some organization. I don't blame these people for acting this way since I would totally do the same. BUT, if when I tried to get off the phone with the disrespectful people, my manager fussed at me and told me that I didn't try hard enough to win them over. I am paying my own way through grad school right now and the job is $10 per hr. It is about 40 minutes away from my house. I have a 30 minute lunch break, but there are no restaurants in the vicinity. It would take approximately 30 minutes to even reach a restaurant like fast food that I would have time to eat. My last job was in a corporate office (right by a mall so TONS of restaurants) with an hour lunch break and $18 per hr. Yes, I know those types of job don’t come around too often. I would still be working there now, but I was on as a contractor and my contract expired. I am stuck. I just got home, head spinning. I really need some money…Oy vey, what do you think I should do? Stay or move on?

Should I become a dog trainer?

I really love dogs, and this is a career I really want to pursue yet everyone in my family doesn't take it seriously and is trying to talk me out of it. Without they're help I won't be able to go to college. I need to know the ups and downs of the dog training career and something that will persuade my parents to accept my career. Can any one help?

Demler "blackapino" Zamora champion, could he become the first" blackipino" champ since Morris East?

Yes. He starts at an early age, and has great support. He has a great trainer and connections. There's still a long time t get messed up (don't mean it in a bad way) but yes, the potential is certainly there, to be champion.

Which charles owen helmet is best?

personally... I've always LOVVED hamptons!!! Never outta style! I personally don't like gr8's though...

Baby name game!!!!!!!!!!?

Annabelle Sawyer, Hannah Loraine, Elliot something sorry, Drema Ann, Nichole something, Exie Lynn, Laney Esp, there is a couple I found this website that might help I hope good luck and congrats.

Is it the anonymity of the Internet that makes people ask stupid questions, or are people just stupid?

People are not "people" on the internet. This is all bytes shaped like words that tries to engage in dialogue with a lot of hit-and-miss and, in most cases, more miss than hit.

Can someone please improve and slim down my destiny/elemental hero deck? ?

yes, staples are neccesary. My philosophy on heroes: keep elemental heroes apart, keep destiny heroes apart, keep neo spacians with neos apart keep evill heroes mostly apart. If they all mix together, you end up with a huge, heroic, fusiony, effecty, contact fusion, evil mess. There are so many heroes out there, it is difficult to put them all into one deck effectively. If you stick with one sub-archetype (you could say), making a good deck is tons easier. then, you can add staples.

What is this meal plan my trainer wants me to do?

I went to my trainer yesterday and he told me I needed to eat five times a day with two sides. He didn't explain it well because he had an appointment right after that. What did he mean. Does he literally mean five meals a day or small meals or snacks?

Hey LGBT... What's on your mind :/ ?

awwhh sorry bout your friend:(but i got tons of things on my mind like 1.answeing this question 2.legos 3.the word epic 4.guitar hero 5.aleahh<3 7.TLC 8.excersicing 9.flamingos years 11.brittnie future homework my phone is bright weird the word neat sound 15.i think im probbly boring you lol but if you wanna talk to someone you can always eamila me at im wondering if youre ganna message mehh hmm yup think i got ADD lol

Would this be weird, please?

You need to stop worrying about silly religions and a non-existent god and concentrate upon becoming educated.

Can you wear Gym trainers for other purposes...?

or will you look silly ?.. like say ur going to the supermarket and you wana wear something light, can you walk on the streets with the gym trainers or will people laugh ?

How to make rigatoni?

im half Italian and i don't even know oy! anyway i have ground beef and and ground italian beef so im guessing i can make up with that...oh and i wanna put pee's in it im pregnant so i gotta throw the veggies anyway can atone tell me how to ka eit u would be such a great help!

What makeup to wear with purple dress?

Maybe a light smokey eye with silver/white. Then wear some sort of light blush that makes your skin look nice, fresh, and glowing.

I need help in writing this death scene it's very short but i want more details to make it dramatic. pls help!?

I don't think the length of the scene is a problem. As Shakespeare wrote, "Brevity is the soul of wit." The shortness of it enhances the drama more than drawing it out could. Besides, drama is usually built by the events leading UP to the big event (such as a death).

Engravable Cross Necklace!!!?

I am trying to find a cross pendant that i can engrave 4 names on each section of the cross, does anyone know of anything

What does oy vey mean?

Oy vey (Yiddish: אױ װײ), or just oy,[1] is an exclamation of dismay or exasperation [1] meaning "oh woe." Its sound is very similar to Ach weh, and Au weh (with which it is a cognate), a common expression used in Bavaria and Austria in similar situations, combining the German exclamation Au! meaning "Ouch/Oh" and the German word Weh meaning pain, or Oy Wah, an expression used with a similar meaning in the Montbéliard region in France. It is however also theorized that the first part of it (oy) is originally from Biblical Hebrew, with cognates in other Semitic languages.[citation needed] Vey and the similar contemporary German Weh are derived from Middle High German, and are cognate with the English "woe."

Should we call corp office on dog trainer? Help!?

My Mom got her dog trained at Petsmart. She went through puppy class and graduated. Upon grad, the trainer asked if she wanted to repeat the class or be promoted to intermediate. My Mom chose to sign up for interm because the trainer said she graduated. Duh! We then decided to bring our 3 year old terrier to training who had been through Petsmart puppy class but never graduated because of the trainer at the other store's incompetency and some issues. I worked with him myself. Both of them last night were hungry and bored and didn't cooperate. Suddenly, the trainer told us to get out and that both dogs had to go back to puppy class. When we tried to get a refund, he jumped out of the training room and started telling the manager not to give a refund and that we needed to wait and take the class in a few months and they will hold our money on file with our receipt. I think he had no right to tell my Mom and the manager what to do and if we wanted a refund, we could have gotten it (Petsmart's policy). Should we just go back to that trainer (both dogs do need training, but NOT from him!) or call corporate office and fuss?

Is it bad to dress like a surfer girl when you don't necessarily surf?

So I have a beach house near Cape Henlopen, and i practically live there in the summer. we also go to OBX, North Carolina a lot. i surfed when i was little, but not now. I've always had the shell and surf-pendant necklaces, the natural blonde hair, and roxi/other surf brand stuff. but since i dont surf anymore is it bad to dress like a surfer girl? like, is that posing even if i still live at the beach half the year?

Knee problems while running/walking?

I've been running/walking for the past 4 weeks. I'm starting to experience bad knee pain. I'm considering buying a knee brace but I'm scared it won't work. I wear Nike Free Trainer shoes when I run/walk. Any suggestions on what I should do?

I need help im diabetic?

ok my stupid docter ***** saidi can oy eat 3times a day i weight 110 and im 14 years of age im still hungry and i cant eat cause my suger goes up if i do anyway to get around my suger going up so im able to eat i feel like im loseing wieght as well

If god exsisted, wouldn't life be fair?

You are absolutely correct, as you say in the last line, "one can believe in HIM no is if" etc., provided they are affluent and excelling in arts and science. Primarily, the idea is one should not get confused while remaining fair or neutral in life.

Would this be a waste of time (boxing question)?

I've been wanting to learn boxing for a long time and recently signed up for classes at a local boxing gym. I went to the gym twice and learned the basics like the types of punches, punching form, stance, and basic footwork stuff. However, a sudden and unexpected financial emergency made me cancel my membership at the gym because it was too expensive for me to be able to keep up. I happened to be telling this to my father yesterday and he offered to give me a heavy bag, a speed bag, a set of gloves, and some wraps he never used that he had laying in his basement. I was wondering if it would be a good idea for me for me to use that equipment to keep practicing the techniques I learned in my short time at the boxing gym or if it would be a waste of time because I can't afford a real trainer or coach. My father doesn't actually have any boxing experience, he just bought the gear as workout equipment but stopped using them. Thanks.

How do you become a race horse trainer?

I am interested in horse racing and i am considering being a horse racer for a career choice. Do you need any specific qualifications and where can you get these qualifications. Also, once you have got all the correct education, where do you go to get a job? Thanks for taking the time to read my question.

Parents with Little Ones (the overprotective, in particular) - what do you think?

LOL. You really need this break dont'cha? Seriously Momma, I understand your concerns and would be freaking about the car thing too most probably. BUT, you deserve this weekend away and lets face it, it sounds like it's going to be a totally exciting few days for your daughter too with all that family, hubbub and what not. Trust in your husband that he's conveying the seriousness of the car stuff, you know he wouldn't want any harm to come to your daughter either and apart from that try to chill and enjoy the weekend!

Where can I buy something like this?

I absolutely adore the Tiffany's sterling silver bow pendant, but it is too expensive. It's $125 and my birthday is coming up but my parents are buying me a laptop for high school. My sister can't afford anything like that and I don't want to waste so much money. Is there anything very very similar to it for less money? It doesn't even have to be sterling silver, just sort of a droopy bow. Thanks (:

What rugby positoin should i play ?

Im 14, i am 5ft 11" and i weigh 70kg, i run the 100m in 12.6s with jogging trainers, i can dropkick very high, spiral kick very well and spin pass accurately and quite far. Also my tackling is quite good and i was supposed to be getting trials for my regional team but i was not old enough. Where should i play next season ? i played number 10. last season.

I've met a person and can't get him out of my head...?

I met this awesome guy at a party recently we were drinking and conversing about everything I told him he was attractive and he gave me a for head kiss, we talked more drank more then we made out which he initiated, but he is very handsome and in a wheel chair and I can't get him out of my head for the life of me. a person wouldn't start kissing you if they weren't in the least bit attracted to you right, oy vey it's terrible because I would like to see him again and get to know him as friends but don't know if that'll ever happen...but I've never felt this way before and its bugging me any suggestions to ease my mind? Please let me know your thoughts and no rudeness please.

What Harry Potter book is your favroite? What's your favroite part? (spoier alert)?

Me I'm tossed between harry potter and the prisnor of Azkaban and Harry potter and the deathly hallows. In prisnor of azkaban I like the part where harry and hermione go back in time and ron's reaction when they return is helerious. In harry potter and the deathly hallows one of my favroite parts is where ron and hermione kiss for real and harry goes "oy there's a war going on around here!" i just love that part and of course I also love the epiloge even though it didn't need to be there in my opinion.

Baby #2 on the way - should we trust in the Chinese Gender Chart?

It was wrong for me, said so many times i would have a boy. Wrong ultrasound showed Girl. I don't trust them.

Anyone know where I can find N's pendant for cosplay?

I can find everything online, his clothes, Menger Sponge, hat, hair, but I can't find his necklace anywhere!

Brain Fog,Spacey and Fatigue?

Fot the last past month I been having daily brain fog,I feel spaced oy like Im not here and sometimes a little mental confusion.I have slowed speech like I cant talk right.I get extremely fatigue/exhausted all day even though I sleep 8-9 hours a night.I also get pressure headaches.I been to the doc and he basically thinks it anxiety/depression whic I do not agree!! I cant think right any more and I am tired all day and I am only 21 witha 6 year old to take care of.I have been tested for lyme,lupus,thyroid,diabetes,anemia had a soine mri and a ct pf the brain and sinuses and nothing came back.What could it be?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Help with French, please?

Quand j'avais 10 ans je jouais de la trompette depuis 3 ans. Mais je n'�tais pas tr�s bon car je ne pratiquais pas beaucoup.

Always Tired And Brain Fog?

Fot the last past month I been having daily brain fog,I feel spaced oy like Im not here and sometimes a little mental confusion.I have slowed speech like I cant talk right.I get extremely fatigue/exhausted all day even though I sleep 8-9 hours a night.I also get pressure headaches.I been to the doc and he basically thinks it anxiety/depression whic I do not agree!! I cant think right any more and I am tired all day and I am only 21 witha 6 year old to take care of.I have been tested for lyme,lupus,thyroid,diabetes,anemia had a soine mri and a ct pf the brain and sinuses and nothing came back.What could it be? I also get irritated very easy and do not want to have sex!!

What qualities makes a good trainer?

for example, someone who trains you when you are hired on at a new job. what do you believe are aspects/traits of a good trainer?

Would people recognize this pendant?

Gotta stop worrying about what anyone's a beautiful design (as were all the pieces made for the films), represents eternity and if someone recognizes it, they might actually think it's cool (and once again, who cares?). Noble collection items aren't crap or cheap for the most part either! GO FOR IT!!

My dog is touched in the head..?

PLEASE READ WHOLE STORY: I think my 3yr old Chihuahua is retarded. He was given to me from a relative when he was 1 1/2, I regret that day. He is a HUGE pain. He jumps on my couch constantly, he pees/poops whenever or where ever. He is forever trying to lick my other dogs' butt. And is always searching for my other dogs' pee & when he finds some and licks it, and makes this chattering face that ercks me so much that I wanna punch him. I dont want him around my child on the way. My friends told me to get him neutered and it was a waste of money -__-. I took him to my other dogs' trainer and he bit him. My other Chihuahua than I personally bought for $1500 is my ideal dog, is perfect. I tried and tried to give him the same training and life as my other Chihuahua he is just, slower. I'm just tired of him and failed efforts. Should I give him to a shelter so they can try or what? Can someone PLEASE give a reasonable answer, thanks.

Boy help?!??!?!?!?!?!?

Okay, I move a lot but no matter where I am I always find a boy I'm "crushing" on..but I moved and I can't find anyone else like this oy I really liked...but I just can't find a guy (im homeschooled my youth group at church lol) that makes me laugh and that is my type! And I have had this wanting for love...and please don't tell me your young you just love the thought of love...i just want a guy to hug me tight and make feel less alone :/

Kids are trying to get me suspended, help?!!?

Okay, last week some guy that's their friend bullied me because in black, on Thursday jr hit me repreatedly with a pizza box in thehead for sitting next to him. I got him suspended, his friends started calling me a b!7ch, pushed me to the ground, and threw food at me. I left the table crying, then the counselor insisted I tell what happened, I did, got the nous detention, and Noe, they're trying to band a bunch of people together to get me suspended. They even made up lies, and putting racist words in my mouth, saying I call them "white devils.". I never do that! Never will! My dad's half Asian, my uncle's white, why would I do that?!! I don't see color, I oy see people(no joke), I know I've annoyed a few people but i have manic depression and ADHD! Should I tell the counselor, my parents? Help!

Considering semi-truck driving for a new career.?

I am 49 and considering going into semi-truck driving. How does that work eactly? Are there any videos of student drivers talking about training ? I know the pay is low, but how much can do I get paid and when? How does that work? And do I HAVE to train with a trainer very long before I am aloud to drive by myself? I am kinda of a solitary person.

Jewellery for a female friend on her birthday?

Aww that is sweet! I say make the moment special for the both of you and give it to her when you guys are alone together. I think the idea of hiding it in the pages of a novel and telling her to go to a certain page, is cool and fun. Girls love that sort of thing. Go for it!

Fatigue,Head Pressure and Brain/Mental Fog?

Fot the last past month I been having daily brain fog,I feel spaced oy like Im not here and sometimes a little mental confusion.I have slowed speech like I cant talk right.I get extremely fatigue/exhausted all day even though I sleep 8-9 hours a night.I also get pressure headaches.I been to the doc and he basically thinks it anxiety/depression whic I do not agree!! I cant think right any more and I am tired all day and I am only 21 witha 6 year old to take care of.I have been tested for lyme,lupus,thyroid,diabetes,anemia had a soine mri and a ct pf the brain and sinuses and nothing came back.What could it be?

What does this symbol mean?

it looks like it may be a mirror talisman which may make it good for spiritual protection and per travel as well. more importantly what really matters is what it means to you and why you like it in truth that's what counts. Hope this helps!

Should I correct this or teach him to ignore?

Dogs react to positive reinforcement ten times better than beating them when they bark. Don't hit your dog, dummy.

Pokemon missing episodes?

I have bought series 2 of pokemon *adventures on the orange islands* and i noticed two different team rocket trainers *cassidy and butch* and i looked her up on bulbapedia, but that was not her first episode, but one called *The breeding centre secret*, i the realised i was missing about 3 episodes from this series. Why were they not included?

Infatuation or love at first sight or ive lost my marbles?

I've met a person and can't get him out of my head.. I met this awesome guy at a party recently we were drinking and conversing about everything I told him he was attractive and he gave me a for head kiss, we talked more drank more then we made out which he initiated, but he is very handsome and in a wheel chair and I can't get him out of my head for the life of me. a person wouldn't start kissing you if they weren't in the least bit attracted to you right? oy vey it's terrible because I would like to see him again and get to know him as friends but don't know if that'll ever happen...but I've never felt this way before and its bugging me any suggestions to ease my mind? Please let me know your thoughts and no rudeness

Did Andy get a medical timeout?

I thought I saw him call for the trainer, but then I had to walk away and didn't see what happened..


He looks great! But I won't comment on your riding; I don't know much about western. I don't even know what gymkhana is haha.

Needing some bridesmaids' jewelry inspiration!?

I am on a strict budget for my wedding. I'm also trying to save even more so that we can have an awesome honeymoon. I'm fairly creative and have recently gotten into jewelry making. I made the necklace I am going to wear ( pearls with a slight gold hue connected by gold connectors with a teardrop cubic zirconium pendant that has a slight gold sparkle....going for an antique-y/vintage look) and I plan on making my bridesmaids necklaces/earrings as their gifts. My only problem is I am out of creativity! I don't want their jewelry to out-do mine, but mine is so simple (though the teardrop is about the size of a quarter in its entirety) that its hard to create something even more simple! Anyone have any good sites for inspiration or any creative ideas of their own?? It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Pokemon Black and white, trainers? (Seriously???)?

Dude, I'm totally there with you man those people are ****** stupid. Like, forreal you'll be lookin for a simple pokemon, even a rattatta or something, and there's always like 20 people that want nothing but lvl. 100 legendarys.. They're pure dumbasses.

Teen girls: What kind of jewelry do you like?

What kind of jewelry do you like to wear? Not just necklaces and bracelets and such, but what kind of style do you like? For example with necklaces, do you like pendants? Chokers? Bibs? You can give any type. Pictures would be nice.

Would you be willing to pay $60 an hour for personal training?

If I had the money and the teacher was good, and I mean REALLY good, I'd be willing to pay. I wouldn't go over that though. I've seen private lessons range from $25 to $100 an hour depending on the teacher. I had a kung fu teacher who was highly skilled and his private classes were only $45 an hour.

Please help me out..i'm so lost !!!?

I think you should definitely end things with Mr. Not so prince charming. If he is married you do not want people thinking that you are a home wrecker and if he isn't married then he is not giving you the attention you deserve. Get out before you get in too deep. Best of luck!

Oy ! ! Can YAHOO not suspend a cell phone account ? ?

He's lying he can be suspended I mostly use my phone for the internet because my computer never works and I've received violations you have to have a valid email to use this site so yahoo can notify you if so what he's saying makes no sense

Lee evans says 'jinstures' what is that lol?

He's talking about something touch screen technology? and at the garage hes shouting oy mate ... Jinsters... or whatever lol? what is he onna bout? x

Married ex gf and I speaking again, is this wrong?

My current ex and I had a very fantastic relationship of about 10 months from September 2009 - Januarty 2011. She got married this past May with her ex before me, which, is the father of her child. They had a long relationship, they broke up, and then I came into the picture. I don't have a child nor children, never been married, and I am very stable in every aspect in life. I have dated females with children in the past, and I did accept her child into my life. Our last break up tore me apart, inside and out, as we would often see each other from time to time, despite of her being engaged. We broke up the first time, she got engaged months later to the ex, then she broke off the engagement to be with me. We had it all wonderful, then she cut me off, and she got engaged to the ex again......obvious enough, they got married. I am fairly close to her sister and brother, and the parents like me, too. I didn't come around the siblings to avoid her when getting over the break up, which took about two months. We started hanging out just recently, and we do flirt a lot, she calls me and sends messages for me to come over, and I reply. We stay up all night, into the morning. We hold hands, cuddle, hug, occasionally kiss on each other's cheeks, flirt, sometimes touch upon each other, but no other actions take into place. She wears one of the pendants I gave to her, as she wears her wedding ring. We both know she is married, yet, she and I do such actions. I care for her deeply, and always will. We are considered to be friends.....I don't have any feelings for her, though. I think it is comfort for the both of us when we hang out, and I don't feel bothered knowing she is married. I would never break up a relationship.......nor plan to, despite of having the opportunity to do so when she was getting married. I care for her and help her out whenever I can in anyway I can. We both feel the same on this aspect. Is this wrong on her behalf or mine? I have been single since our break up, eventhough, I could of gotten caught up with several females or in a relationship. She craves my attention and is so happy when she gets the attention. Some might say to leave her alone forever, and I am taking it all into consideration. I made a move that determined our existence in each other's world. I just stopped speaking to her minutes ago......I don't want to end up in the same boat and shipwreck this time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm 12 going on 13 and I want to know how I can get some decent muscle and a 6-pack?

I don't have access to a gym or trainer. I have an old weight lifting machine. and I want to build some good muscle and get a 6 pack by when school starts in 2 months

Is this a good Team to defeat Ghetsis on pokemon Black?

meinfoo evolves at lv 50 and you can choose wich ones you would like to use to beat ghetsis i have the list of pokemon he uses in the final battle click on the link. and i dont know another site instead of pokeCharms srry

•◘○Revlon colorstay yay oy nay•◘○?

It looks naturally flawless if you apply it properly. This is a foundation that dries very fast so you need to use a damp sponge otherwise it won't work well. Just stipple it on. After you can apply more if you like, it's very buildable. Just make sure to use the one for oily combo.

When should I go out with him?

hey! yea these ARE annoying! but im glad you pointed it out ;) okayyy..i think he DOES want to get to know you more. i think you SHOULD take sometime, that way it will be more serious when you DO go out. being friends is always great to do before you go out with someone. he's playin it right ;) so go along with it. and if you dont like him later, sweat it off because you guys did the right thing and were friends b4 u did anything :) hope i helped :) and good luck!

Portable light weight Chest Expander Cardiovascular strength-need advice from physical or personal trainer?

can anybody please guide me on how to use this chest expender...i bought it around 2 months ago...but still not keeping up..please...if can please guide my through upper body ...thank you!!

How to work on a horse for western show?

By the way you worded your question, I am going to assume that you have never been formally taught to work with gaming horses. Gaming is not all about speed, it's more so about being able to perform the patterns flawlessly. You need a horse that can turn with ease, remain under control before, during and after the run, and listen to your hand, leg, seat, and voice cues. You also need to be a knowledgeable rider and be aware that yanking a horse around turns and racing around an area is not good gaming. If I had to choose a horse out of the ones listed, I would say either of the QH's, but both sound like they need work. The first would need to learn how to turn, and the second would need show exposure as well as turns. The other two just sound like you're asking for trouble; a large thoroughbred with lots of go go go and absolutely no whoa is a horrible gaming choice. And the thought of throwing a horse immediately after being saddle broke into gaming is a bad choice as well. I know you were probably hoping for a nicer answer, but I just want more people to think before they game. Be smart, get a trainer to help you, and good luck.

Do yall know where I can find any men jewelry with healing powers and others...?

well I'm looking for jewelry pendant to wear for good luck, and help with healing, and money and others.... I wonder what do they call stuff like that? oh and any negative comments will be reported ;)

How was your experience ordering an over sized item from

Better find some friends to help. Freight companies only deliver to an address. So sorry if it is upstairs, they are not movers.

I am gay and in love with my insecure straight best friend, should I tell him? What should I do?

What you do is get over it and leave him alone. He's straight. You never come on to straight guys. It's wrong.

Im going to an interview for a new school tomoz?

And i want to have a fresh start. I was the biggest little **** in my old school! I graffitied for the first time in the schools history, i had a really bad attitude and i hung out with goody two shoe snobs. I was the most rebel kid in the intire school and ive really changed. Ive grown up. Ive got a new best friend that is perfect and i love her :) im transferring to her school and i want a new start. A clean fresh start. I want to make a good impression on the principal as she is running the school. Shes female in her 40s and shes pretty nice but very strict and if u slip up it sort of puts a stain of what u said or did in her brain. I cant stuff up. Not again; i really need help. Not to minipulate her but to get on her good side in a way. I want to get a good name in her books. So does any goody-2-shoes trainer out there know some tips to help? If i could get them right away!? Im leaving tomorrow bright and early- 9:30 :P plz help peeps!!

Any red flags? Is my guy normal?

..... Run!!!! Lol jk it seens like he really likes u and hes just a hopeless romantic. And about the track them down and kill them kinda depends how he said it. Its normal for guys to say things like that tho.

If i run for 30 min everyday will i loose weight?

i go to the gym everyday and i run for 30 min on the tredmil and then 10 min on the arc trainer. i would like to lose stomach and thigh fat. will this help? and i know my diet will play a big what should i eat and stay away from??

Does anyone know of a good dog training program? We can't afford a trainer but are lost with this dog?

If your looking for an internet program which is what your question sounds like your asking you can try this one It goes to a program that has been around for awhile now and has sold tons of copies so it should do the trick for you

Should I hire a personal trainer?

I just joined a gym, but I don't really know what exercises to do or what machines to use because of there are so many. I'm 5'5" and 130-135 pounds. I don't really have a problem with my weight (though I wouldn't mind losing a couple pounds), but I am out of shape. I'd like to tone my entire body, but I want to focus on losing weight around my waist, and toning my butt and legs to make my hips look bigger. Basically I want to look more curvy. Should I get a personal trainer to help me create a workout plan or are my goals simple to achieve without one? If they are, can anyone give me some direction, because I feel lost?

What will the US presence in Afghanistan be after 2014?

Allegedly all combat troops will be removed from Afghanistan by 2014....but this does not mean their won't be trainers, CIA and special forces, special contractors, and places to test new weapons....maybe experimental educators and builders etc. What do you think the presence will consist of?

Weaving a stone in Hemp Necklace?

Use wire to wrap the stone. You can purchase flexible wire on a spool in craft stores. Also you can buy the tools to bend the wire in tight and interesting ways to support the stone and show intricate beauty. These tools are also affordable. Make a loop at the top the the stone after wrapping it with your excess wire or just wrap the excess wire around the hemp necklace after it's completed. Flatten the ends of the wire securely so it doesn't poke and soak the hemp in water overnight so it doesn't itch the skin.

Is teaching a horse to neck rein more advanced training? The trainer my family hired says it is...?

We hired her to train our horses and she says they are trained and met all her goals. However, they can't sidepass or neck rein...and yesterday when we were riding, one of them REFUSED to back up. So....yeah.

How do I react to this?

Okay so on facebook this oy who I only know from spanish last year and science tagged me and several other people on this photo saying, "if you're tagged, i love you". I have spoken to him like once and very briefly and even if he meant it as a friend it would still be a bit weird. Should i say somehting to him or ignore it ?

What do you need to do before going to a pawn shop?

I would actually suggest taking it into a jewelry store... They will buy it... pawn shops will never pay very much as they are in the business for making as much money as possible.

What does this pendant design mean/signify/come from?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to quickly lose body fat?

I am a year-round volleyball player and my school season has just started. Every year during club season I put on some extra body fat due to less practice and workout sessions. We have a new trainer this year and he does not work us out at all. I cannot fit comfortably into my uniform and spandex and the extra body fat makes me feel sluggish and out of shape. When I am my most fit and smallest, I weigh about 135 but I am still 147 right now. This time last year and every year before, I would be at 135ish. How can I quickly lose the body fat for my season?